Clinical Supervision & Credentialing

Clinical Supervision For Therapists

MK Counseling and Wellness, PLLC normalizes clients seeking support. I want to normalize that as therapists we also need support from peers. The best clinical work is done within community.

  • Practice owner and therapist, Melissa Kwafo, LCSW provides peer consultation to licensed therapists (LSW/LCSW & LPC/LCPC).

    Melissa provides clinical supervision to newly licensed or non fully licensed clinicians moving through the stages of development of their clinical skills and abilities: The Beginning Student Phase, The Advanced Student Phase & The Novice Professional Phase.

    As a LCSW, Melissa is also able to sign off on hours for clinical licensure for LSW and LPC.

Insurance Credentialing For Therapists

  • Full Credentialing takes you from the very start of gathering documents to signing the insurance contract.

    This process includes gathering information including the National Provider Identification (NPI) Number, Malpractice Insurance, Taxonomy Code, and completing the Council of Affordable Quality Healthcare (CAQH) application. It also includes identifying an insurance company to apply to, review the contract, and signing.

  • This process includes identifying the insurance company you would like to be paneled with and we will complete the application, provided any additional information needed, and follow up until the contract in in hand and signed by the clinician.

Why repeat the same mistakes that practice owner and therapist, Melissa Kwafo made when she first started her private practice when you don’t have to?

Credentialing is time-consuming and attention to detail is crucial. The slightest mistake in an application or delay of response on the part of the clinician can cause the entire process to be delayed, which ultimately leads to halted payments.

Melissa would love to take credentialing off your plate. She provides credentialing services for the top 6 major insurance companies BCBS, Aetna, Cigna, United Health, Humana, and Magellan. If you’re a multi-specialty group or a solo practitioner, Melissa can accommodate your needs.


  • 60 min |  $100

    45 min |  $75

  • Full Credentialing I $190

    Partial Credentialing I $150

    Additional Insurance companies I $80 per company

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