6 Sign You Should See A Therapist
I’m guessing you are reading this because you have thought about seeing a therapist. Perhaps, you have convinced yourself to wait just a little while longer to see if it all goes away. I mean, everyone has bad days, right?Knowing when to see a therapist can be tricky. In this article, I am sharing 6 signs that it might be time to reach out to a therapist for support.
Life Feels Unmanageable
Have you noticed your usual coping skills such as taking a walk aren’t brining relief? Or things are spilling into buckets that they are not supposed to. For example, arguments with your spouse at home cause you to be short tempered with your boss at work.
Situations or areas in your life often feel difficult to manage. Yes, everyone has bad days from time to time. If those days feel like they are happening more often than not, it may be a sign to get support. A therapist can help you create tools and strategies to help you feel like you have a better handle on things.
Utilizing Coping Skills In Excess
Maybe it is having two or three more glasses of wine more frequently than usual, or bingeing on mindless TV multiple nights a week. Coping skills you once thought of as productive now feel like they are taking over, and you still have no relief from the problem.
All coping skills serve a purpose. However, when a healthy coping skill is used to avoid or escape discomfort that may be a sign to evaluate your coping skills and the find a way to reduce discomfort while facing the problem with the help of a therapist.
Others Suggest You Talk To A Therapist
Whether it is a doctor, friend, or partner, you may have had someone suggest that you talk to a professional. It may feel a bit uncomfortable to receive the feedback. That makes sense. No one likes to feel exposed.
However, the people you trust in your inner circle are sometimes able to notice changes or shifts that you can’t see yourself. A therapist may be able to offer the perspective of a non-biased person, and offer suggestions that could prove helpful in reducing discomfort.
When You Are Feeling Out Of Control
Your life, thoughts, or emotions don’t feel like your own. You find yourself doing things that you typically wouldn't do. Or, maybe, you find yourself completely paralyzed and unable to make a decision.
It is important to notice the intensity of your emotions, thoughts, and actions. You may also notice a shift in the frequency of difficult emotions. Those shifts can give you great information to take to a therapist as you work towards finding more balance. A therapist can help increase your awareness of subtle shift of behavior and equip you with tools to manage your emotions before you reach a 10.
There Is A Substantial Change/Loss In Your Life
We all feel anxiety around change. It’s an evolutionary drive to want consistency so we can predict and plan for safety. When something shifts in our life it makes sense that we feel off and need a minute to re-calibrate.
We don’t need to do it alone. A therapist can provide support such as a safe space to talk through things, education on stages of grief or loss, and overall support, which is mostly what we need during times of change.
6. You Are A Human In This World
Being a human in this world means that you are bound to face challenges, hardships, and difficulties. It’s just a fact of life that no one can escape. Some may feel like a small speed bump in the road, and other may feel like a great big pot hole.
When you hit those pot holes, know that it is just how the road is built, sometimes. And that you are not alone. There are others in the world who are also navigating life with you. Some with more knowledge, such as therapists who that could be a great tool for you to utilize.
Not everyone who seeks therapy has a mental health diagnosis. Not everyone who seeks therapy is at their breaking point. However, if you are at your breaking point, or if you do have a mental health diagnosis, a therapist may be helpful to you. If you aren’t in either of those categories, a therapist can also be helpful to you. Truthfully, every single one of us can use emotional support right now and throughout many moments in our life. There really is no better time to prioritize your mental health than now.
From One Human To Another, Be Well