5 Tips To Minimize Anxiety Before Your First Therapy Session

You just scheduled your first therapy session and you notice feelings of anxiety creeping up. It’s a normal feeling, we have all been there before. To help you cope, here are 5 tips from a therapist to decrease your anxiety before your first therapy session.

A White male in a counseling office wearing a maroon T-shirt and dark blue jeans sitting on a dark grey couch with his elbows on his knees and hands folded together.

1.Take A Moment To Reflect On Your ‘Why’

Most people start therapy when they notice discomfort in their life that they can no longer tolerate. Before your first therapy session, take a moment and jot down a few things , as clearly as possible, to provide context to your therapist in a way that feels clear. I find it most helpful when a client can identify the areas of concern they want to work on, how they have attempted to address the concern, and roadblocks that have gotten in the way to achieving the outcome they are looking for. Now both you and your therapist feel like the two of you have a great place to start.

2.Discuss Expectations At The Beginning

You don’t know what you don’t know, and no one expects you to. If you have never been to therapy before, then chances are you only know what you have seen on TV, social media, or chatted with a friend. However, that doesn’t mean your experience will be exactly the same. Talking about expectations can feel scary. But when we know what to anticipate we tend to feel a sense of ease and allows us to be more present in the moment.

3.Give Yourself Permission To Ease Into The Session

Therapy varies for different people for all sorts of reasons. However, generally I like to think of therapy as more of a long runway. Two strangers are meeting for the first time getting to know each other in hopes of building a longer term therapeutic relationship. There is no need to rush. Don’t feel pressured to overshare during the first session, or talk about things you are not ready to share yet. It is okay to say that you are not ready to share a particular detail just yet. Even if you came with your list, you can mention it as a note to return to when it feels right.

4. Give Yourself Credit For Showing Up

Pat yourself on the back for reaching out and scheduling your first session. That is a big deal! We often think that therapy starts when we step into the therapy office, (don’t get me wrong, a lot of work happens in the office) but I believe that the work started when you made a decision to seek out a professional partner for help. The first therapy session is building off of the work that you already did by identifying you needed support and arranging that for yourself. I am so proud of you!

5. Remember, Therapist Are People Too

You may be surprised to know that therapists too can get nervous meeting a client for the first time. Although therapists have specialized training and maybe, even years of experience, they are human just like you. Doing something for the first time such as meeting a new person can be nerve-racking for anyone. So take comfort in knowing that your therapist may also have a bit of nerves as well. We are all in it together.

It is normal to feel anxious before your first therapy session. These 5 tips to decrease your anxiety can be helpful in putting you at ease. If you are looking for additional tips, watch my video where I offer more detail and examples.

From One Human To Another, Be Well



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